Thursday 13 December 2012

Previous film opening research

I gave this Opening a low level 4. The editing and use of sound, not just with the soundtrack but the foley as well, was creatively used. The only thing stopping it getting a high level 4 in my opening is that there were not enough titles used and they didn't create their own distrubution logos they used new line cinema. They clearly had a good sense of the genre, filming in graveyards, eery music, they new how to create the fear factor.

I gave this a high level 3, it had some titles but not enough and sometimes I was confused as to whether the genre was horror or thriller, there wasn't a clear grasp on either. Aside from that the use of foley was great and imaginitivie with the repition of words in whispers, and the phone ringing, dropping to the floor and call ending. That is why it got a high level 3.

I gave this opening sequence a level 2. There was no use of foley where it definitly should have been used, for example the knocking on the door, the key in the lock, footsteps, simple things like that, there was no sountrack, no clear sense of genre and one title throughout. The camera also seemed very handheld at times when it should have been steady.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya, I'm your A2 mentor, Maisy. I've been trying to find your group blog but I can't find a link anywhere. Could you send it to me please? Everything going alright? If you need any advice contact me at
